Mittelfest 2024 | Disordini
The open call for the fourth edition of Mittelyoung is out

New programme line-up and dates: Mittelyoung stages in July 2024 immediately before Mittelfest

Tomorrow, 14 December, the international open call officially opens to participate in the fourth edition of Mittelyoung, a Mittelfest project dedicated to Mitteleuropean artists under 30 who are called to propose theatre, music, dance and circus performances dedicated to Disordini (Disorders), the theme chosen by artistic director Giacomo Pedini for 2024.

As in the first edition, it will be the young people who will evaluate the artistic proposals of their peers: all applications, in fact, will be examined by a group of curatores (curators), who are also under 30.

There are two novelties in the 2024 edition: the subdivision into categories of the nine shows that will make up the Mittelyoung programme has changed, i.e. there will be two theatre, two music, two dance, two circus and one freely chosen by the curatores. The dates have also changed, as already announced: Mittelyoung will be staged from 16 to 18 July 2024, just before Mittelfest, so as not to overlap with the artistic projects linked to GO!2025.

“Mittelyoung is now in its fourth year as an eagerly awaited, consolidated and organic event of Mittelfest,” Pedini emphasises. “We are proud to once again launch the international call, a great opportunity for young artists, and also to confirm the network of regional partners in the creation of the group of curatores, to which SNG Nova Gorica theatre is added. This confirms the enthusiasm in being part of this innovative international artistic working group.”

The same group of curatores will also select, among the nine shows of Mittelyoung, the three winning titles that will be staged at Mittelfest between 20 and 22 July, a further enhancement of the work of the young artists who will arrive in Cividale.

“I believe that people under the age of 30,” Pedini continues, “represent the most interesting views, voices and perspectives to listen to about this century. The 20th century in Europe – especially on the border between East and West – had closed, albeit with difficulty, with promises of peace and prosperity that were meant to be perpetual. This was not the case: we are now in a very different time, one of overturning balances and dynamics at many levels, global as well as national and local. Who better than those who were born and raised in this time to tell of the ‘disorders’ and possibly their opportunities?”

Mittlelyoung open call, which can be downloaded from the website, closes on 14 February 2024 and is addressed to artists from Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine.

All applications will be examined and evaluated, under the coordination of the artistic director, by a group of curatores formed thanks to the collaboration of Associazione culturale Arearea, Civica Accademia d’Arte Drammatica Nico Pepe, Conservatorio Statale di Musica Giuseppe Tartini of Trieste, Conservatorio Statale di Musica Jacopo Tomadini of Udine, Fondazione Luigi Bon, University of Trieste, University of Udine, and also Associazione culturale Circo all’incirca, Associazione culturale Quarantasettezeroquattro, Associazione giovanile Robida, Convitto Nazionale Paolo Diacono, Istituto Tecnico Arturo Malignani, Scuola di Danza Erica Bront, Teatro Club Udine – Palio Teatrale Studentesco. Some people selected by SNG Nova Gorica (Slovenia) will also be part of the group of curatores.


REPORTAGE – Tregi srl

Francesca Gatti +39 3479854644 |

Giulia Daluiso +39 348 8547230 |

Cividale del Friuli, 13 December 2023